Introducing new to the salon the OPATRA DOME facial skin analyzer this new state of the art skin analysis machine clinically measures the surface and subsurface of the skin using the state-of-the-art digital imagery, so we can instantly reveal skin concerns, create awareness and build your targeted treatment program.
RGB visible light
PL polarized light
and UV spectrum imaging technology
Used by the beauty, medical and aesthetic skin care professionals. The skin analyzer system is the world’s most advanced skin detection equipment that captures multispectral photos of the face. Examining the complexion of fine lines and wrinkles, spots, pores, texture, porphyrins, UV spots, moisture, and pigmentation.
Skin Analysis
Opatra Skin Analysis Machine
RGB visible light
UV spectrum imaging technology
PL polarized light
State of the art digital imagery
Who is Skin Analisis For?
The Skin Analysis machine is it’s great for all skin types, colours and ages.
Anyone who wants to find out more about their skin and have in depth consultation to find the best products and treatments to get the very most from their skin.
Each consultation is 30 mins after analysing the skin with the machine we will then go through the best products, supplements and treatments within your budget.
a skin Analsis consultation is £50 redeemable against anything purchased on the day.